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The Website is Listed on Google Again

Just a demonstration of where the traffic on the site was, compared to where it is today.

The image below is from Statcounter, the green line is PageViews and the Blue is Visitors.

Traffic Details for the past 30 days - view the most recent days, and traffic is up over 340%

Traffic Details for the past 30 days – view the most recent days, and traffic is up over 340%

I’m just glad this is finished with and I can start adding a bit more content ! Being listed on Google again means I am now seeing more traffic on the website. When you have a website and you see a traffic drop it is alarming and also a bit sad. You put your life and time into your website and if you are not listed on Google or get de-listed you feel you have lost everything.

I’m delighted to be listed again and it is onwards and upwards for Shane’s Website again.



This is an old post which was originally on my old site and now resides here on

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