Shane McDonald Facebook pixel

The title of the post does sound a bit like a tongue twister but the Trendsmap real time twitter trend tracker is a great way to see what Trends are currently being discussed and Tweeted on Twitter.

How to use this system … it couldn’t be easier. Just go to and you will see a map of the world overlaid with what is being discussed on a local level on Twitter with subjects, hashtags and mentions appearing. I have included the screenshot from the Irish viewpoint below.

If you want to see a larger version you can click the image above – but what you will see is the tweet subjects for that area. So over Ireland we had the following Twitter Tweet Subjects…

  • Fianna Fail
  • Glee and #Glee
  • @PlanetJedward and #Jedward
  • #rtefl
  • eastenders

If you scroll around to Northern Ireland and the UK you can see Glee and Eastenders are repeated a few times, so these are obviously hop topics.

Trendsmap is an interesting website if you are a regular Tweeter and Twitter user. I haven’t really got into the depth of information which is available, as I’m not really into Twitter that much, but I’m sure somebody will like this!