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Recently on Twitter there was a HashTag of #ReplaceMovieNamesWithVoldemort which asked you to replace movie names with Voldemort in order to come up with new and exciting or funny movie titles. Obviously you have a few mvies which may suit and on this page you can find a few suggestions for movies where you can replace the a word with Voldemort, the evil wizard from the Harry Potter series of movies.

I have included some of my #ReplaceMovieNamesWithVoldemort movie titles in the list below… Enjoy!


Top 25 “Replace Movie Names with Voldemort” Movie Titles


The Voldemort Redemption
The Good, the Bad and the Voldemort
Voldemort’s List
Voldemort Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Star Wars: Episode V – Voldemort Strikes Back
Citizen Voldemort
American Voldemort
Saving Private Voldemort
Voldemort of Arabia
A Clockwork Voldemort
To Kill a Voldemort
Voldemort Goes to Washington
Die Voldemort
For a Few Voldemorts More
No Country for Old Voldemorts
Kill Voldemort: Vol. 1
Million Dollar Voldemort
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Voldemorts
Finding Voldemort
V for Voldemort
Twelve Voldemorts
How to Train Your Voldemort
When Harry met Voldemort
Cowboys and Voldemort
Bohemian Voldemort
Rise of the Planet of the Voldemorts
Breakfast at Voldemorts
Voldemort Club
12 Angry Voldemorts
Princess Voldemort
Good Will Voldemort
Toy Voldemort
Star Wars: Return of the Voldemort
Voldemort in the Rain
Citizen Voldemort
Willy Voldemort and the Chocolate Factory


If you have any other suggestions for this movie hashtag game, please do let me know. You can pop me an email or you can contact me on social media. The social media links are available on the footer of this page and I would love if you can follow me ont those channels.

Have you another hashtag similar to this? Get In touch by email or by social media with the links to my social media channels at the bottom of this blog post.

Thanks for visiting !