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Eventually got to see Star Trek after about 3 weeks of trying. I was not disappointed by this new take on the Star Trek franchise by the creator of Lost, J. J. Abrams. The film goes back to the roots showing the birth of Kirk, how his father saved a ship full of people and Kirk’s eventual but reluctant entry into Starfleet as a brash and very brasen young cadet. The new cadets are flung into a conflict with rebel Romulans, who will destroy Earth given half a chance. Without spoiling the story , the Trek timeline IS different … Listen to what spock explains near the end of the film as this will explain why the time line is different to the 1960’s Star Trek. Nice way the film ended too … Cool closing title theme Tune. Lots of action, good story, great casting, great effects … looking forward to more of this.

Overall: 9.5/10

(8 if you’re not a Trek fan as you need to know a bit about Srar Trek to fully appreciate the storyline) Would I watch again : Definitely Would I buy : Yes