Over the past few weeks, there has been increased conversation on disposable coffee cups. Every day around the world, millions of disposable coffee cups are thrown into a landfill. This is not sustainable.
The Irish government has started a bill to address this controversial issue. The final result will either be an outright ban on disposable coffee cups or a tax or levy. So when you get your coffee, you would have an added charge if you use a disposable coffee cup. I know for a fact that I could easily use about 10 of
This is a similar concept to the tax on plastic bags which was introduced a few years ago. At the time we all thought it was something which would not persist. However, today it is normal practice for people to bring their own shopping bags to the shops.
It could be the case that people will now bring their own cups to the café to avoid the cup tax. The only problem is how will people use their own cups if they have already used them that day. Cafés may have to provide a service or area for cleaning personal coffee cups.
It is a tricky issue to solve but certainly one which has an environmental impact.
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