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Is Ryanair a Good Airline?

There has been a lot of media press given to the queues at Dublin airport, people missing flights, and also Ryanairs’ service in general. People ask me why I like them and ask if Is Ryanair a Good Airline. Well, I travel with RyanAir about 2 to 3 times a year, I have no personal or professional affiliation with the airline, I just think they give a good value flight.

As I compose this blog entry, late on Wednesday evening, I am actually sitting on board flight FR1127 from Gatwick to Dublin (using a WordPress app for iPhone) and we are pushing back for takeoff 1 minute early. (eventually landed on time too!) I admit that some people have been very unlucky and had problems with flights being delayed by many hours but what do you expect when your flight costs €30 return? I flew from Dublin to Gatwick and returned for €20 … yet a train from Waterford to Dublin is €32!

Maybe buses and trains in Ireland should use the RyanAir business model and have cheap journeys very early in the morning or if you book a long time in advance. At Dublin airport, security queues have been reported as the cause of people missing flights. I think this is due to people showing up a bare minimum before their flight time. Personally, I find Dublin Airport good, and most recently I got from Naas to the departure gate in Dublin in 65 minutes, including the time taken to park in the Red Car Park (I did cheat somewhat in that I left Naas at 6 am for an 8 am flight) … But still, if you know you are to travel at peak times then you should add on 30 mins If you need to check in luggage and 30 mins for the security queues!

Maybe I have just been lucky that these things haven’t affected my travels, but either way, my opinion of Dublin Airport and Ryanair remains unaffected and positive overall. Dublin Airport is currently undergoing an extension and the impressive new terminal should bring welcome new facilities to a complex that is busy.

Is Ryan Air a Good Airline? Well for me, they are. They provide good value and it is a basic service. In the same way, you can get your own brand products for a cheap price – this is no frills but does the job. PLUS, they have never let me down. On the one occasion that I was charged a fee, it was my own fault, I forgot to check-in online … that was all me and I accept that!

Do you think Ryanair is a good airline? Please leave a comment below…