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Rogue One – Synopsis

Rogue One sets the scene for Star Wars, and these events take place just before ‘Star Wars’. This group of rebels come together regardless of their differences. Their aim …  to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empires and Darth Vader ultimate weapon of mass destruction. This is not a spin-off, this sets the scene on the Star Wars timeline.

Rogue One – Movie Review

In fairness, I was not sure what to expect with Rogue One. I had seen all the original Star Wars movies and the later releases. What could compare to R2D2, C3PO and Luke Skywalker? I was sceptical that this movie would create the thrill of an actual Star Wars movie. Why? Firstly, the classic Star Wars theme did not happen at the start of the movie. Secondly, the characters were all new, I had no familiarity with them. Plus, I was thinking about how can you do a prequel to such a classic film.

But give it 10 / 15 minutes and you are suddenly drawn in. As you get to know the characters you can see where the Star Wars story is building.

Basically, Jyn Erso played by Felicity Jones saw how the Empire killed her mother and corrupted her scientist father, Galen (played by Mads Mikkelsen). The Empire forced him to help build the Death Star. After a defector gives some information, Jyn finds out something which gives her hope. Jyn and the band of rebels attempt to infiltrate an Empire base and steal the plans.

The movie is fast-paced, with lots of humour. Most of this humour is from the 7-foot robot K-2S0 or Kaytoo. He comes out with lines like ‘Congratulations, you are being rescued’… Amongst other classics. All the ships, aliens and scenes you see are recognisable Star Wars classics. As the movie progresses, you feel like you know these characters.

In Conclusion

This is probably one of the toughest movies to review. The reason why is because it is very hard to review this movie without giving away spoiler alerts. However, I try to will sum up the review of Rogue One with a few points;

  1. See this on as big a screen as you can
  2. See it in 3D if you can
  3. There are characters making appearances here from Star Wars, even though they are no longer with us
  4. This film closes certain plot-holes in ‘A New Hope’ as to how they knew about the Death Star’s flaw
  5. You may be sceptical entering this film … you will love it after you leave!

It is a very well made film with sections where my jaw dropped. Thoroughly enjoyable!


Rogue One – Official Trailer

  • Rogue One – A Star Wars Story : Overall Rating 92% 92%