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Queen Keyboardist, Shane McDonald

I have played the music of Queen for many years and I always hoped there would be someone in Ireland looking for someone to play Queen piano/keyboard parts, either for a one-off Queen gig or perhaps as Queen Keyboardist in a We Will Rock You schools musical production? As it turns out I was hired by a US Queen Tribute band and now I am the Celebrating Queen keyboardist and musical director. I’m looking forward to being the Celebrating Queen keyboard player for this amazing Queen Tribute Band.

Generally, as a Queen keybaordist, I play all of Queen’s back catalogue and most of it as per the record, i.e. I do my best to emulate Freddie’s piano/keyboard playing style. I also play all the songs in their original recorded key, as I believe that Freddie chose the best keys for the songs – plus, they don’t sound the same in a different key. There are a few songs such as Who Want’s to Live Forever and Friends will be Friends which Queen dropped by 2 semitones (e.g. as Queen themselves did at Wembley ’86) but those are the exceptions.

Contact Shane

If you want to know more about me, I have some details below. I am based in Waterford, Ireland   I’m currently working locally as keybaordist with a Clonmel based band calledCustom 160 and there is a bit of Queen (4 songs)  in their setlist … so if you see us advertised please do drop by. As you already know, I am Keyboardist and Musical Director with the US Based Queen Tribute Band called ‘Celebrating Queen‘ and I will have more news on this later in the year on the gigs which will happen with that band, but I know we will have a good few US dates and also an irish gig all going well.

Below you will find a list of all the Queen songs I play on keyboard – These are performed as much as possible, as per the original recording or as close as is possible live.

My email is !

The Main List of Queen Songs which I perform…

(There are others but these are the ones I am 100% proficient at !)

A Kind Of Magic
A Winter’s Tale
All Dead All Dead
Another One Bites The Dust
Back To The Light
Bicycle Race
Bohemian Rhapsody
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Dear Friends
Death On Two Legs
Doing All Right
Don’t Stop Me Now
Driven By You
Exercises In Free Love
Fat Bottomed Girls
Father To Son
Flick Of The Wrist
Friends Will Be Friends
Get Down Make Love
God Save The Queen
Going Back
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Hammer To Fall
Heaven For Everyone

How Can I Go On I Want It All I Want To Break Free I Was Born To Love You I’m In Love With My Car In My Defence In The Lap Of The Gods In The Lap Of The Gods..revisited Innuendo It’s A Hard Life Jealousy Killer Queen Last Horizon Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon Let Me Entertain You Let Me Live Liar Lily Of The Valley Living On My Own Love Kills Love Of My Life Made In Heaven Mr Bad Guy Mustapha My Fairy King My Life Has Been Saved My Melancholy Blues Nevermore

No One But You
Now I’m Here
One Vision
One Year Of Love
Play The Game
Radio Ga-Ga
Sail Away Sweet Sister
Save Me
Seven Seas Of Rhye
Somebody To Love
Spread Your Wings
Teo Toriatte
The Great Pretender
The Miracle
The Show Must Go On
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Tie Your Mother Down
Too Much Love Will Kill You [Brian’s version]
Too Much Love Will Kill You [Queen version]
Under Pressure
We Are The Champions
White Queen
Who Wants To Live Forever
You And I
You Don’t Fool Me
You Take My Breath Away
You’re My Best Friend

I’m delighted to be keyboard player for Queen Tribute Band ‘Celebrating Queen’ as they play the Ultimate Queen Celebration Setlist. If you subscribe to my YouTube Channel you can follow my Queen keyboards adventure there.

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel

I upload videos to YouTube on general music topics, synth and keyboard issues, as well as regular videos on How to Play Queen Songs - If you want to be able to pay Queen songs, then please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel Today.

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