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This section has all of the Queen Books and Queen related publications which I have been able to find online. I have read a few of these and my favourite (and first book) was ‘As it Began’. I was later contacted by the wonderful Peter Hince (a roadie with Queen for many years) and I was delighted to read and review his excellent book ‘Queen Unseen’ which I found to be a more in-depth and personal look at Queen on the road. The most recent Queen publication which I have in possession is 40 Years of Queen (many thanks to Greg for that book), a truly amazing book which has a collection of Queen photos, great tour coverage and much more – pretty much a bible for Queen fans everywhere.

Omissions in the Queen Books and Queen Bibliography Section

If there are any Queen Books or Queen Publications not outlined in this book section, please do let me know and I will do my best to review them or add them to the list here. I am aware of a few glaring omissions in this list, especially recent releases and I’m doing my best to catch-up on these. Some publications I need to add include “Freddie Mercury The Great Pretender ; a Life in Pictures”, “The Treasures of Queen”, “Queen: The Neal Preston Photographs” as well as some of the Queen music books – some of which I actually own and use myself. 

Publishers and Authors of Queen related publications

If you are an author who has written a Queen related book and you wish to have your book reviewed in this section then please do contact me. If you require for more information on Shane’s Queen Site please email me on queen[at] or via Twitter or Instagram on @shanesqueensite. There is also a contact form available on this site, view it in the navigation bar above. 

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