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Queen Forever

Queen Forever Track Listing


Let Me In Your Heart Again
Love Kills – The Ballad
There Must Be More To Life Than This (William Orbit Mix)
Play The Game
Dear Friends
You’re My Best Friend
Love Of My Life
You Take My Breath Away
Spread Your Wings
Long Away
Lily Of The Valley
Don’t Try So Hard
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Las Palabras De Amor
Who Wants To Live Forever


I Was Born To Love You
Somebody To Love
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Friends Will Be Friends
One Year of Love
A Winters Tale
Mother Love
It’s A Hard Life Save Me
Made in Heaven
Too Much Love Will Kill You
Sail Away Sweet Sister
The Miracle
Is This The World We Created
In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited

Queen Forever, Queen Album

Queen Forever, Released on 10th November 2014, this 36 track, 2 CD album features 3 previously unreleased Queen tracks with Freddie Mercury on vocals.

Queen Forever is a compilation album which included new Queen tracks. This new Queen material includes a long anticipated and much rumoured song from Queen and Michael Jackson, ‘There Must Be More to Life Than This’. Queen Forever also includes a previously unfinished Mercury/Queen song called ‘Let Me In Your Heart Again’ which was actually recorded around the time of the Works album in 83/84. The final new track is a ballad version of Mercury’s first solo hit, ‘Love Kills.’ … which at first I was not sure about but now I really like.

The rest of the Queen Forever album includes a lot of other Queen hits and new takes on well-known songs. The album was assembled by May and Roger Taylor themselves and all the tracks on Queen Forever are all linked to represent a definitive collection of Queen’s timeless love songs.

What Queen had to Say about Queen Forever

Roger Taylor spoke about the Queen Forever album in December 2013. He said at that time, “Brian and myself are getting together in the New Year to finish what we’ve got there and then we’re going to fashion some kind of album“. Queen Forever was the first Queen album to feature unreleased material from Freddie Mercury since the Made In Heaven album in 1995.

Brian May added “most of the material comes from the 80s, when we were in full flight. It is quite emotional. It is the big, big ballads and the big, big epic sound.” Brian May also said that the Queen Forever album may end up being a mixture of old existing material and new material containing between 3 and 5 unreleased songs.

It is a rather odd mixture of our slower stuff” complained Roger Taylor. “I didn’t want the double album version they’ve put out. It’s an awful lot for people to take in, and it’s bloody miserable. I wouldn’t call it an album, either. It’s a compilation with three new tracks. It’s more of a record company confection. It’s not a full-blooded Queen album.” – which is pretty much what I think especially if you already have all of Queen’s studio albums.

Queen Forever – Conculsion

Many people looked on this album as Queen capatalising on pre-existing material with 2 new songs but for some, any new release is welcomed as new Queen material. I listened to his album when it came out but I haven’t actually listened to it since. That’s not because Queen Forever is a bad album, but rather that I have all the albums so I have these songs already on the original studio albums.

However there is not one weak song on this album – hits from start to finish !

  • Queen Forever – Overall Rating 87% 87%
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