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Freddie for a Day #FFAD

‘Freddie For A Day’ was a world-wide initiative which was created and launched in 2010 by The Mercury Phoenix Trust. The Freddie For a Day event is usually held annually on his birthday, which  as we all know is September 5th.

The Mercury Phoenix Trust is an organisation which was setup in the wake of Freddie Mercury’s death in November 1991. It’s main ain is in the fighting of AIDs Worldwide. Since the Mercury Phoenix Trust was founded over 28 years ago the Trust has given over £17m in his name and funded over 1,000 projects in 57 countries, in the global battle against HIV/AIDS.

The Freddie for a Day celebration has an overarching aim of bringing people together in Freddie’s memory to raise awareness and also raise donations to support the excellent work of the Mercury Phoenix Trust, who work so hard to fight AIDS worldwide.

Freddie for a Day #FFAD

What Do I do for this Freddie Mercury inspired event?

Basically, you should try your best to dress up as Freddie Mercury. Perhaps you could don a famous Freddie moustache, try your hand at creating one of Freddie’s famous outfits, and maybe even wear a nice yellow jacket. People all around the world celebrate Freddie For A Day in many different ways. Some people go for a meal dressed as Freddie, some even attend school, go shopping, go to work or even run a marathon or fun run dressed as the iconic Queen frontman.

If you are doing Freddie for a Day, don’t forget to use the #FFAD hashtag on your social media posts.


Freddie For a Day Events 2023 – #FFAD2023

As the world gets back to normal, there may be some 2023 Freddie for a Day events taking place – if you have an event taking place please let us know so that we can add it to this page, and we can tell the world of your Freddie dressing-up exploits. If you even want to send me a photo of your past FFAD events please do so, as it would be great to include it here.


No events are listed yet … Please come back soon !

How can I Donate?

Please visit for more details on donating and supporting the MPT.


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The Official Freddie Birthday Party 2021 has been cancelled

The Mercury Phoenix Trust, who actually organize the Freddie for a Day event have announced that the Official Freddie Mercury Birthday Party for 2021 has actually been cancelled due to the continuing concern over high Covid virus numbers during the pandemic. They have committed to coming back in 2022 bigger and stronger.

In a statement they said “safety must come first for each and every one of you, so to cancel this year’s party in Montreux is the only real option. We just don’t know what the situation will be in September and we don’t want fans wasting time and money at an event that we might not be able to put on properly” which is fair enough. The last thing you would want is for people to spend money on attending something which at the last minute would have to be cancelled.

Hopefully 2022 will be bigger – in every way !

There may be some unofficial events being held around the world and I hope to document these on this section of the website.
Don’t forget, if you are running an event to check out the Mercury Phoenix Trust website for details on how to correctly support and donate.



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