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My Photography

I really enjoy photography. My photography probably goes back about 20-30 years but I only started taking photos as a hobby since about 2001 when I bought my first digital camera. The first camera I had was a basic Olympus camera. It only a sensor of 1.3 MegaPixels which by today’s standards are not at all acceptable – but back then, it was quite advanced. These days most smart phones have camera sensors greater than 10 Megapixels.

In 2011 I setup a photoblog at and the full photo blog took shape over the past 5 years.

In August 2018, my PhotoBlog won the Silver Award at the Irish Blog Awards 2018 

Click Here to visit my Photoblog at


Photo Gallery

Some examples of my work are shown below but for the full collection please visit

Visit to visit my photoblog


Related Photo Gallery

In 2002 I started creating a photo gallery on my site (the site which was later moved to this domain). I had a lot of photos on that server, and I felt it was a shame to lave those photos and that photo gallery die. So I have replicated the images on this website and the photo gallery is slowly being rebuilt.   Click the link below to view the photo gallery (more updates to come soon)

View Archived Photo Gallery

The photos on this gallery are very poor compared to the work I do now. This is mainly down to 3 reasons. Firstly the cameras I have now are a lot better. Secondly I now know more about the settings and how to best use the equipment. Finally, my photography eye is that bit better – you take better photos with experience.