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This is the Piano Chords section of the website

This is a holding page for the ChordMap section of – if you wish to play piano chords then the following pages will help you with that.

You might want to learn how to play other piano chords. Click the link below to find out about other piano chords. 

Click here to Visit the 420 piano Chord Map

Full List of Piano Chords Translated

Accords Piano (FR)

Accords Piano (NL)

Accords Piano (DE)

Accords Piano (IT)

Accords Piano (ES)

What is a Piano Chord?

A chord, no matter what instrument you are playing, is created when more than one note is played at the same time. A chord will contain two, three, four or more individual notes to construct the sound required for that chord. On the piano, this means you push down two or more keys simultaneously, or on a guitar it would mean that you strum two or more strings at the same time etc.

All chords contain a root note, so if you are playing the chord of C Major then the root is C. You can think of the root note as being the chord is named after, and any additional notes you play are just like supporting actors in a movie. Basic chords often consist of only two (I often call these diads) or three notes, while the more advanced chords tend to incorporate even more notes, e.g. Gmin11.

Techniques and Practice

In order to play these chords fast and in a song, you will need to learn all these chords and piano chord shapes. It’s a good rehearsal technique to play through the scale of the chords. One piano chord rehearsal technique is to play the following chords in order;

CMaj   DMaj   EMaj   FMaj   GMaj   AMaj   BMaj   Cmin   Bmin   Amin   Gmin   Fmin    Emin   Dmin    Cmin

After you master that, you can mix things up and play a number of different keyboard chords quickly and accurately. If you find you have mastered those chords and shapes you can move on to 7th chords, sus4 chords or even 11th and 13th chords.

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