by Shane McDonald | Jun 29, 2010 | iPhone
There are so many people on Google at the moment looking for “iPhone 4G Recall” – Did you search for iPhone 4G Recall or Apple Recalling iPhone 4G before getting to this site?
If you did, please don’t be worried as Apple are not doing an iPhone 4G Recall. The whole recall alarm was sparked by a fake Twitter account with username “CEOSteveJobs”. The tweet read “We may have to recall the new iPhone. This, I did not expect.”. So many people thought this Twitter account was real and was owned by Steve Jobs – I did too (I recently stopped following CEOSteveJobs when I found out this was a parody account)
The iPhone 4G was released on June 24 and will stay released – no recall pending. There are small theething problems as with all pieces of technolofy, mainly Reception issues and activation issues but iPhone 4G is due for a minor software update before the year is out according to some sources which might help with the initial issues.
The real Steve Jobs responded to the fake Twitter post and also to the iPhone 4G complaints and advised users to avoid holding the iPhone in a way that blocks the antenna. “Avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases,”.
by Shane McDonald | Jun 21, 2010 | iPhone
Just got iOS4 installed after the hype, the waiting and the download anticipation … and its not bad at all !
I like the look and feel of the new OS – and the unified Inbox is great for putting my 12 email accounts into one list.
The New Look iOS4 on the iPhone 3Gs

The main difference I could see was the changeable background on the home screen, multitasking bar at the bottom of the screen – which you can access by double clicking the home button, and Folders which you can create by holding down an icon and once wobbling , dragging one icon on top of another.
I’m still playing around with all the features so I’m going to stop typing now … if you still haven’t updated to the new iOS4 on your iPhone3Gs or 3G then have a look at my previous posts and twitter posts for details on what is involved in upgrading your OS.
by Shane McDonald | Jun 21, 2010 | iPhone
iPhone iOS4 Will Be Available To Download Later Today and for those in Ireland and UK who are getting the error message below well you just have to wait a bit longer.

The latest version of Apple’s iPhone OS, iOS 4, will be available later today but it is erleased only when the USA get out of bed! As you probably know (unless you have being living under a rock) iOS 4 is the next major Operating System software upgrade for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The new iOS4 adds a range of new extra features to the iPhone / iTouch.
99% of the features will work on the iPhone 3GS, and some of them will work on the iPhone 3G / iTouch. Some of the new features include multitasking, camera zoom, folders, improved email, and iBooks just like the version on the iPad.
Multitasking will be the most interesting feature in the new iOS 4. Once iOS4 is installed on your 3Gs you will be able to switch between running iPhone apps without having to shut each app down … according to Apple this feature won’t slow down the iPhone or use extra battery.
The most probable time for the release will be either 5pm or 6pm Irish time (GMT) but no news yet means that they might hang on until they are happy to release – i.e. could be 8pm or 9pm if they decide to have their morning cappuccino at Apple HQ first !!
If you want to be notified by Twitter when iOS4 is released follow me on Twitter – and I will tweet once it is available!!
by Shane McDonald | Jun 19, 2010 | iPhone
The new iOS 4 update brings new powers to the iPhone!
The new iPhone will have over 100 new features, the free iOS 4 Software Update will allow iPhone 3Gs users to experience the majority of these. The new iPhone OS, iOs 4, will be released on Monday 21st June 2010 – iTunes 9.2 has been updated so download this first and upgrade your systems in preparation for the new iOS 4 release.
The new features of iOS4 will include the following;
- You can use Multitasking and switch between your iPhone apps instantly, without apparently slowing down the performance of the foreground app or draining the battery unnecessarily.
- There are Folders so that you can organize your iPhones apps into relevant folders using a drag-and-drop technique. You can also manage up to 2160 apps (the current limit is about 180 apps) and get faster access through your folders.
- Text Messaging update – There will be a Character Count option in Messages Settings, so you can keep a track on the number of characters while typing an SMS Text message.
- The Email client has been improved and you can see messages from all your accounts in a unified inbox, organize your email messages by threads, and you can open attachments in third-party apps.
- There is an ebook reader functionality called iBooks. This is not just an ebook reader, rather iBooks allows you to browse and shop for books as well as reading them (or PDFs) within the system.
- The new iPhone will have 5x digital zoom with the Tap to focus function
- While shooting video, tap the display to choose where to focus. You will also be able to tag photos and GeoTag where they were taken.
- The Home screen wallpaper can be changed so that you can have your custom background wallpaper on your Home screen.
- For techies, the iPhone iOS 4.0 includes more than 1,500 new APIs for app developers.
There are many other new features, such as improvements when reading documents, improvements in the contacts section, a photo resize option, playlist creation, and you will find even more when you install your own iOS 4 update (or if you are luck enough to get the new iPhone 4).
The new iOS 4 will work with iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 3G (some functionality for later third generation iTouch models also). Not all features of the features above are compatible with all the devices. For example, multitasking is available only with iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS and Multitasking then is only available with Apps that have been specifically developed to work with iOS 4 multitasking mode. Also note that the Face Recognition system only works with iPhoto on the Mac (sorry PC users).
The new iPhone4 / iPhone 4G should be on sale in Ireland & UK fairly soon, hopefully in the next month. Carriers such as Vodafone, O2, 3 Mobile and Orange will be making sure customers know well in advance of pending sales of the new iPhone.
This looks like this update will boost the iPhone in the market – great improvements to an already great piece of technology.
by Shane McDonald | Jun 17, 2010 | iPhone
The New iPhone iOS 4 is out on Monday 21st June and if you want to be able to take advantage of the new software update you will be best placed if you download the new iTunes software – iTunes 9.2 which has just been released.
iTunes 9.2 is the first piece of the software mix but only has some changes to the actual software but the main change is iPhone iOS 4 compatibility. There are going to be major software updates for the iTunes version 10 which might be available between September – November of this year!
iTunes 9.2 Changelog
The change log for Apple iTunes 9.2 is as follows;
• iPhone iOS 4 Compatibility : Sync with iPhone 4 to enjoy your favorite music, movies, TV shows, books and more on-the-go
• iBooks Compatibility : Sync & read books with your iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4 and iBooks 1.1
• PDF Update : Sync PDF documents and read PDFs as books with iBooks 1.1 on the iPad and any iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4
• iOS 4 Folders : Organize your apps on your iOS 4 home screens into folders using iTunes
• Speed Update : Faster synching and back-ups for iPhones or iPod touchs running iOS 4
• Album Art Update : Album artwork improvements make artwork appear more quickly when exploring your library
The new version of iTunes from Apple is now available for download from the Apple website.
2021 Update – iTunes is no Longer Available
In 202o Apple released a new version of their operating system in the macOS Catalina release. However if you are looking for an alternative to the very popular iTunes software then you might be interested in the super detailed guide on iTunes alternatives from SoftwareHow, which you can find below:
iTunes alternatives from
by Shane McDonald | Jun 7, 2010 | iPhone
The much-hyped release of the new iPhone 4G should be with us in Ireland by mid-June ; and although rumours of early July still persist … we will have to wait and see what happens!
iPhone 4G NEWS UPDATE – Apparently the date is now July for Ireland and the UK with the prices being roughly the same as current 16 – 32Gb versions.
The new 4G iPhone will sell in the US first and the date of June 7th was being mentioned as the possible release date. I don’t think that will happen though.
On the back of the iPad release, the new iPhone 4G should have a huge amount of interest in Ireland & UK. Keep an eye on Vodafone, O2, 3 Mobile and Orange who will be pushing to be the first in Ireland & Uk to sell the new iPhone 4G.
The feature list on the new iPhone is becoming clearer, apparently coming with ;
- a 5 MegaPixel camera
- possibly including multitasking of iPhone apps
- sleeker body design
- sturdier construction
- clearer picture with a high definition capability
- a 3.5 inch TFT touch-sensitive screen
- available in 64GB & 80GB storage
- built in half gig of RAM.
For those with the 3Gs iPhone there should be an OS upgrade also, which should give you some of the features of the new iPhone.
Note : the new 4G iPhone is actually a reference to 4th Generation and does not reflect a transition from a 3G network to a 4G network.
This post is actually an old post and is held here on for reference and for retro purposes. I was one of the people who started using the iPhone in Ireland around the time of the iPhone 4 and I have remained a loyal apple customer ever since. I upgraded my PC in 2011 to a Mac and in 2021 I got a MacBook Pro which has served me well on international projects over the past 2 years. The iPhone is (at the time of writing this post) on iOS17.1 and the latest model is the iPhone 15 Pro which is quite expensive compared to the iPhone 4.
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