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Looking for a great Pancake Recipe – look no further !


When is Pancake Day 2022

Pancake Day 2022 is on Tuesday 1st March 2022 and it’s the 60th day of the year. This is an easy recipe and for me the Best Pancake Recipe you can use.

My Best Pancake Recipe – In Time for Pancake Day 2022 – Tue 1st March

Pancake Day 2022 is Tuesday 1st March 2022. So, if you are looking for the Ultimate Tasty Pancake Recipe and the easiest pancake recipe this is it. This pancake recipe has never failed me and I have tried a few.

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of flour
  • Pinch of salt

Simply mix all the ingredients together. Start by mixing the egg and flour and then add the milk. Whisk well and make sure there are no lumps. By whisking the ingredients well you introduce air into the mix. If possible, let it rest for 30 mins to and hour if you can in the fridge, (this step in the recipe is not actually necessary but I find it works well for me).

To cook the pan cakes use a small amount of butter on a non stick pan. Se the heat of the pan to a medium heat – not too hot. You can use some kitchen roll to mop the excess if you go overboard. Now ladle some of the pancake mix into the pan. Don’t touch the batter as it is cooking until you see the little holes appear in the top. The first pancake for me is always a throw-away (I still eat it though) but I hope this pancake recipe helps.

Pancake Toppings

The traditional pancake for me is to drizzle the pancake with lemon juice, roll the pancake in caster sugar and then fill the inside with jam. Roll up, slice in two and enjoy.

These are some of my favourite pancake toppings;

  • Sugar and jam
  • Sugar and lemon
  • Nutella
  • Nutella and banana

If you have enjoyed this pancake recipe please share it using the social media sharing tools on this site.

If you have any more unusual pancake toppings or fillings please make a comment in the section below.