Everyone who has a site wants loads of FREE Hits to their site. One of the biggest draws to any site I ever built was one with April Fools Day Pranks and Tricks. The site at shanemcdonald.com, which originally was an Alumni site and later became a
In 2007 I got over 45,000 unique visits in 3 days and the hosting company (Host***** … I’m not going to name and shame them) shut the site down and would not let me retrieve the files. They shut it down just because it got too much traffic – needless to say, I moved away from them asap as they were rude and did not accept any explanation.
In 2008, April Fools Day, the site traffic peaked and I got 101,000 unique views in 3 days. Luckily the site stayed up. 2009-2010 the site had a security breach but it is back up this year and will be interesting to see what traffic it gets this year.
The link is here – April Fools Day Pranks – The site is not the great site it once was but it is still there as an old timer getting a few hundred page views a day.
These April Fools Day pranks are just fun and I don’t advocate the pranking of people who might not have a sense of humour or who might take it too seriously… April Fools Day has occurred for many decades, have fun but be sensible! The pranks contained on the link above are just humorous to read and I do believe number there are certain ones like #14 which are harmless.